The science of talent advisory is helping to win the war for talent

It’s always been important to hire the best people, after all, everybody agrees that people are a business’s biggest asset. However, there has never been more competition for the best people. With firms looking to get a competitive edge over each other in the modern business landscape and the ever increasing visibility of people to job opportunities, the war for talent is reaching critical point.

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This is where the science of talent advisory is giving firms the edge they need to hire (and retain) the best of the best. Having the best team will always get better results.
The facts and figures from talent advisory firms are helping to deliver the boardroom’s vision and reduce the stumbling uncertainty of talent acquisition in both key areas and wider instances.

Science or chance? Is it really that hard a choice?

Professional talent advisory plays its part much further up the decision making path than traditional recruitment has historically been engaged. It supports and advises the boardroom and then maps out the delivery programmes that ensure the business goals are met. Advice at this early stage saves millions in wasted or lost revenue caused by failing to attract the right talent, at the right time, to ensure the success of a project or venture.

The key to professional talent advisory is the unbeatable combination of the many years of experience of the consultant and their access to tightly curated data which is constantly updated and ever expanding. The consultants understand the business needs and people. The data shows where they are, why they move (or stay) and what it will take to motivate them to change. It’s light years ahead of the traditional recruitment approach of “Advertise-Filter-Hire” or hoping that you can find somebody in the 450 million CV’s on LinkedIN that can (and wants) to do the job you need them to do.
