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Talent Strategy

If you start a long walk without a map and a destination in mind, you’ll find yourself wandering around aimlessly before too long. You might get lucky and see something nice along the way or even more fortunate and end up in the place you wanted to but why take the chance?

If you must reach your destination, then do some research, make a good plan and then follow it.


Talent Strategy

If you start a long walk without a map and a destination in mind, you’ll find yourself wandering around aimlessly before too long. You might get lucky and see something nice along the way or even more fortunate and end up in the place you wanted to but why take the chance?

If you must reach your destination, then do some research, make a good plan and then follow it.

Talent Strategy

Most firms agree that "people are their most important asset" and we agree. The most talented people in your firm make the biggest impact. They can be the difference between winning or losing business, delivering a project or failing, coming up with solutions or being lost. 

It's understandable why the most talented people are, therefore, in the most demand. They have their choice of opportunities and are always tempted by new ones.


Without the correct strategy, you will quickly find yourself too far behind the pack to ever catch up. Potentially losing your best talent and struggling to hire new talent.

When you combine ex-management consultants and experienced executive search consultants in one firm with a single goal [getting the best people and firms talking], you can see why we can solve the talent problem for you.


TALENT Research

If you don’t have the right research, you’re just guessing and we all know that guessing when you don't have to, isn't a good idea.

Our research allows us to find out the facts and arm you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about how you retain and attract the best talent to meet your business goals.

TALENT Research

If you don’t have the right research, you’re just guessing and we all know that guessing when you don't have to, isn't a good idea.

Our research allows us to find out the facts and arm you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about how you retain and attract the best talent to meet your business goals.

Talent research

Talent research answers the most important questions



Where is the talent you are looking for? Do they exist in your desired region and in the numbers you need? What firms do they work at now and what are they doing?

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Why would these people consider a move to you? Why are they still at their current firm?  What might motivate them to move? How long do those people typically stay at other firms? 



During the process of finding out if the talent you need are available and whether they might be open to new opportunities, we will have collated a lot of knowledge about who actual people are. If we know who, where and why, that's a lot better than running an advert or trawling a public database, isn't it?

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Once we have gained invaluable insights into talent market that you need to reach your goals, have an understanding of your processes and brand, we can then provide Talent Advisory.


Once we have gained invaluable insights into talent market that you need to reach your goals, have an understanding of your processes and brand, we can then provide Talent Advisory.

Talent Advisory

Once we understand your goals, researched the talent landscape and combined this with our knowledge and experience, we will have gained invaluable INSIGHTS you can be confident that the advice we provide is considered, appropriate and bespoke. It's advice that will help you retain and attract the best talent in the market.


Your Process

We can take a look at your hiring process from end to end, as outsiders. We've spent 15 years analysing the hiring process from the end to end. We understand what works and what causes issues. We also understand that each process is unique to each and every firm and has been developed for a reason. We don't suggest change for changes's sake and we'll always back our advice with facts.

Combining your needs and our knowledge will transform your process and improve your ability to attract the best talent.

Your message

You'll never know what a potential employee thinks of your company if they never get past their first impression of you. We ensure that your message about your firm and your plan is clear, concise, consistent and delivered via all channels.  

Too often, we have found that 10's of thousands of people have been misinformed about our new clients, and we've had to find out why and build a correction strategy. In all of these cases, the firms were completely unaware of how bad they looked in the talent marketplace and were perplexed as to why they were struggling to hire the best people. It's never too late to improve and head down the right path.



TALENT Attraction

Attracting the right people at the right time is essential to the growth and development of any organisation. Get it right and a company can thrive. Get it wrong and the plans can stall or grind to a halt. 

Talent attraction is a complex science and a black art all rolled into one. The science comes from our tried and trusted methods combined with commercial decisions based on facts. The black art comes from experience and understanding of human nature.     

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Armed with the right information and strategy, the forward thinking firm can mitigate the risk of unwanted  talent attrition.

Retaining people is as important as attracting them in the first place. Your key talent are the life blood of your business and losing them unnecessarily doesn't just mean having to replace them, it means watching knowledge and experience walk out the door that isn't easy to replace. We are experienced in helping firms understand the drivers and putting in programmes to reduce attrition.  



We can help you understand where the risks of talent loss will impact the business most, and we can implement a strategy to replace these key people at the right time. Building up the relationships and interest before it's needed ensures a critical point.

Succession planning is an essential part of the modern world and is often overlooked until it's too late. Don't put all the hard work you have put into your firm at risk but not have a strategy in place to replace the key talent.


Boardroom support

Our knowledge and insight can support your management team's vision and help ensure that the programmes and projects they are working on are staffed with the best talent available.


Talent Delivery/ACQUISITION

We can help you understand how to attract people; we can tell you where they are right now and why they might consider your firm as an option.

It follows that you might want to go ahead and hire this talent.

We can use the trust and influence we have built up over the last 20 years to make those introductions.

Talent Delivery/ACQUISITION

We can help you understand how to attract people; we can tell you where they are right now and why they might consider your firm as an option.

It follows that you might want to go ahead and hire this talent.

We can use the trust and influence we have built up over the last 20 years to make those introductions.


Once we know where all the talent you need is, what it would take to motivate them to move and even the names of the people, we are in a perfect position to use our experience and influence to approach these people on your behalf.

Our proven protocol for approaching and securing talent for our clients is second to none in this marketplace. From Consultants to Senior Partners, our network is unrivalled, our research is extensive, our insights are invaluable, and the trust we have built up over 20 years can all be brought to bear on your behalf.



Long Term Partnership

Effective talent strategy has to be an ALWAYS ON activity in your firm.

It has to be all encompassing and there for the entire journey.

Long Term Partnership

Effective talent strategy has to be an ALWAYS ON activity in your firm.

It has to be all encompassing and there for the entire journey.

An effective Talent Strategy isn't something you just implement when you need it and turn it off when you don't. It's an ALWAYS ON strategy. We will design and implement something for you that will become part of your firms's everyday life.

Just think of the benEfIts of always being on the look out for the best talent.

always having an appropriate pipeline of people in process.

always being able to hire the right people for the job, right on time, everytime.

That's what Consulting Point, ALWAYS ON talent strategy will give you.



What next?

You've read this far because you know we can help you, so now it's time to pick up the phone or get us to call you?

What next?

You've read this far because you know we can help you, so now it's time to pick up the phone or get us to call you?


You can either call us on +44 (0) 207 977 7048, use the CHAT button to the right or enter some details in this quick form and we'll call you back.