Market Information — Consulting Point
Saudi firms are offering higher salaryies than consultants are asking for.



Saudi firms are offering higher salaryies than consultants are asking for.

Market Overview for KSA Management Consulting Salaries

On average, candidates in KSA request about 2.8% less than firms are offering across most roles. However, Partners and Equity Partners are seeking higher compensation than current packages provide.

Firms offer competitive packages to attract top talent, with more variation in structure compared to other regions, reflecting unique market dynamics.



US Consultants want more money than firms want to pay - November 2024



US Consultants want more money than firms want to pay - November 2024

Market overview for US management consulting salaries.

The data shows that candidates in the US market want an average of 5.9% more than the hiring firms are currently offering.

The largest differences at Consultant and Senior Manager grade.



Why accepting a counteroffer might be career suicide



Why accepting a counteroffer might be career suicide

Why Accepting a Counteroffer Might Be Career Suicide

When faced with a counteroffer from your current employer after resigning, it’s tempting to accept the improved salary and perks. However, statistics and career experts suggest this might not be the best long-term decision. Here’s why accepting a counteroffer often leads to short-lived tenures and stagnant careers.



UK Salary Data



UK Salary Data

This is the October 2022 salary data report from Consulting Point covering Management Consultants based in the UK.



India Salary Data



India Salary Data

India Desired Salaries - April 2022



Middle East-Salary Data



Middle East-Salary Data

2021 hasn’t seen much movement in salaries for Management Consultants in the region in so far. However, we have seen a continuing upward pressure on salaries with hard to find skill sets. This appears to be due to firms needing these skills sets making every possible effort to entice talent away from competitors. This upward increase has been magnified even more so during this unstable 2020, where there is often additional reluctance to consider changing organisation.

Therefore, overall the salaries have increased by 1.4% in general but we have documented 21% increases in those hard to find skills.



EU Salary Report



EU Salary Report

Overall, the market is extremely buoyant but weighted towards experienced hires with great networks.

Salaries have risen during H1 but only in new hires. Existing staff haven’t reported any movement that has been worth commenting on.

We observed this pattern after 2008 where several large firms didn’t react quickly enough and lost out. Unlike 2008, 2020/2021 has seen the majority of firms keep pushing themselves forward and so hiring has been strong. However, if they don’t consider their current staff, they might find themselves at risk of losing people to attract offers from their competitors.



Working from home survey report - June 2021



Working from home survey report - June 2021

Working from home report - June 2021

We gathered in excess of 20,000 data points from our network of management consultants around the globe to understand what their current working situation is, what they would like to do and what they think their employer would like them to do in the future.

Global results cover the UK, Europe, APAC, USA and the Middle East.

This is a summary of our findings.



How long do people stay at their firms?



How long do people stay at their firms?

How long do people stay at the big firms?

This is a summary of the attrition rate and average tenure at some of the big firms, in different regions around the globe based on the last 12 months of activity.



APAC Salary Data



APAC Salary Data

Like other regions, 2020 hasn’t seen much movement in salaries for Management Consultants in general. However, there has been upward pressure on salaries at the senior levels. This is coming from firms looking to secure senior talent in unstable times and needing to use money is the tool of choice.

Therefore, overall the salaries have increased by 1.7% in general but we have documented 24% increases in those hard to find skills.

Therefore, overall the salaries have increased by 1.4% in general but we have documented 21% increases in those hard to find skills.



Middle East Salary Survey January 2020 - Management Consultants

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Middle East Salary Survey January 2020 - Management Consultants

Middle East Salary Survey January 2020 - Management Consultants

We the start of the new year, 2020, we have considered the salaries being offered, accepted and required in the Middle East.

The following slides are a very brief summary of the findings.

It covers base monthly salary, typical bonuses paid last year (2019) and the total compensation.

In addition, we also looked Interim Day rates, the changing landscape of benefits and the ration between what companies are looking to pay, what candidates are looking for and what the both finally settle on.

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Gender split report - Middle East Management Consultants - January 2020



Gender split report - Middle East Management Consultants - January 2020

The following is an executive summary of our Gender Split report for January 2020 in the Middle East region.

The data is based on 6,018 professionals in the region that are in Management Consulting roles.



Job security in management consultancy isn't important to people anymore

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Job security in management consultancy isn't important to people anymore

We looked at what management consultants in the UK and in main land Europe valued in their current job and looked for in any potential new job.


Unsurprisingly, the results in the UK and mainland Europe were quite similar but the most interesting one for 2019 (which is the period this data was obtained) was both groups of consultants valued JOB SECURITY as the least important consideration. Five times less important that a GOOD WORK-LIFE BALANCE.

UK Management Consultants

What UK Management Consultants value in their current job or want in a new position

  • % Agree
  • % Agree

Gender split

  • Male
  • Female
  • Male
  • Female
UK Management Consultants (10,803 target size, 68% male, 32% female)

European Managment Consultants

The European Management Consultants surveyed responded slightly differently, with CHALLANGING WORK being the most important but and JOB SECURITY being slightly higher than their UK counterparts.

What European Management Consultants value in their current job or want in a new position

  • % agree
  • % agree

Gender Split

  • Male
  • Female
  • Male
  • Female
European Management Consutlants (27,364, 68% male, 32% female)

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April 2019 Management Consulting Salary and Bonus report - US Based



April 2019 Management Consulting Salary and Bonus report - US Based

Welcome to our April 2019 management consulting salary report. Market conditions continue to be buoyant and is reflected in a rise in salaries across the board. However, salaries seem stagnant in the larger firms and the growth is coming from the boutique to mid-size firms that are benefiting from a reported downturn in satisfaction from career options at the larger firms. 



April 2019 Management Consulting Salary and Bonus report



April 2019 Management Consulting Salary and Bonus report

Welcome to our April 2019 management consulting salary report. Market conditions continue to be buoyant and is reflected in a rise in salaries across the board. However, salaries seem stagnant in the larger firms and the growth is coming from the boutique to mid-size firms that are benefiting from a reported downturn in satisfaction from career options at the larger firms. 



Pay & Reward in Belgium August 2018



Pay & Reward in Belgium August 2018

The following summary report was produced during August 2018 to understand details of Pay & Reward in Management Consulting firms in Belgium at grades from Consultant to Manager.

The primary aim of the research was to understand what additional support and benefits were offered to staff in the region in addition to base salary and bonuses.

Whilst conducting the research, an additional question was asked to find out what the respondents would like that they currently didn’t receive.

This summary report is just the highlights of the data gathered and doesn’t contain the additional insight gain and advisory actions recommended.

If you would like further information or more detailed information, please contact your Consulting Point consultant.



June 2018 Gender Diversity Report in Management Consulting

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June 2018 Gender Diversity Report in Management Consulting

Every year we look back at the gender breakdown on the successful introductions we've made around the globe and compare it to previous years and other market sectors outside of management consulting. 

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June 2018 Management Consulting Salary and Bonus report



June 2018 Management Consulting Salary and Bonus report

Welcome to our June 2018 management consulting salary report. Market conditions continue to be buoyant and is reflected in a slight rise in salaries across the board. However, salaries seem stagnant in the larger firms and the growth is coming from the boutique to mid-size firms that are benefiting from a reported downturn in satisfaction from career options at the larger firms. 



USA Strategy Consultants Salary and Bonus Report



USA Strategy Consultants Salary and Bonus Report

The following is the summary of this quarter’s salary survey relating to strategy consultants based in the US and working for recognised consultancies operating in the region.



Salary and bonus survey results for December 2017



Salary and bonus survey results for December 2017

The whole of 2017 has seen a steady demand for staff from most areas apart from some of the Big 4. 

However, mid-sized and boutique consultancies have taken advantage of the uncertainty of the those that have chosen to put hiring further down their priority list and have been able to attract the better talent without having to compete against a big name or two. All very positive for the market as a whole.  January 2018 is going to be a very busy period in the talent world.

