Accenture and Proximus have teamed to reinvent the Belgian telco and media company’s customer, employee and ecosystem experiences for its on-demand and streaming entertainment service, Pickx.

Proximus engaged Accenture to design, implement and train its people on Accenture Video Solution (AVS) – a cloud-agnostic platform to manage Proximus’ digital video content and optimize its end-user experiences. AVS allows Proximus to focus on delivering features and innovation to its customers quickly, while lowering the company’s technical debt. Employees have a modern, data-driven and scalable platform that helps them make informed customer relationship management, advertising, promotion and distribution management decisions.

Antonietta Mastroianni, Chief Digital & Information Officer with Proximus Group, said, “The world continues to change when it comes to how people consume content. At Proximus, we constantly strive to provide the best services to our customers, and we have the market knowledge and the technological capacity to do so. Our collaboration with Accenture enables us to provide first-rate digital TV services that answer our customers’ needs.”

The companies are collaborating in areas such as video services innovation, new feature development, solid video operations, advanced customer service support, environmental sustainability practices for Pickx services and devices, and ecosystem integration for additional services like connected home and multi-platform streaming and entertainment.

Sourced from Accenture
